Brasília - Lago Norte
Brasilia is the site of two SARAH Network facilities that treat adults and children at different stages of treatment.
SARAH Brasília is predominantly a hospital. The International Center for Neurosciences and Rehabilitation, SARAH Lago Norte, which is exclusively an outpatient clinic, treats more advanced stages of the patient’s rehabilitation process.
The International Center for Neurosciences and Rehabilitation, SARAH Lago Norte, inaugurated in December 2003, offers essential support for research in the field of rehabilitation.
Located on the shores of Lake Paranoá, with horizontal architecture, it maximizes the integration of indoor environments and outdoor spaces, thereby favoring teamwork and facilitating the patients’ circulation through its settings. The peculiarities of the terrain and the peaceful waters of Lake Paranoá are conducive to the organization of various sports, including water sports.
The patients are admitted or referred to the SARAH Brasília Center only for outpatient treatment, and begin a new, more advanced stage of the rehabilitation program.
This facility has all of the features that optimize the Neurorehabilitation Programs for spinal cord injury, neurological disorders and orthopedics, because it creates optimal conditions for the patient’s transition from the hospital setting to the life back home the patient will face upon full discharge.
This center offers the MetaCognitive Dimension (MCD) Program, in which university students majoring in Psychology or Teaching undergo supervised internships, interacting with patients and their families. This exchange foments knowledge and their first exposure to the rehabilitation methods developed by the Network: the SARAH Method.
SHIN QL 13 Área Especial C LAGO NORTE BRASÍLIA - DF 71535-005
Call Center:
(61) 3319 1111