Neurological Rehabilitation

The Neurological Rehabilitation program admits adults with acquired or congenital neurological injuries. 


The rehabilitation programs are individualized and organized in a dynamic and contextualized manner, according to each patient’s potential for functional recovery, and can be conducted either on an outpatient or inpatient basis.


Click on the cities below to see the main areas of specialization.

Belo Horizonte

The main diseases/disorders treated at SARAH/Belo Horizonte by the Neurological Rehabilitation Team are:


  • Parkinson’s Disease;
  • Hereditary and acquired ataxias;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Motor and cognitive disorders caused by stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral polyneuropathies and myopathies.




The main diseases/disorders treated at SARAH/Brasilia by the Neurological Rehabilitation Team are:


  • Parkinson’s Disease;
  • Hereditary and acquired ataxias;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Motor and cognitive disorders caused by stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral polyneuropathies and myopathies.



The main diseases/disorders treated at SARAH/Fortaleza by the Neurological Rehabilitation Team are:


  • Parkinson’s Disease;
  • Hereditary and acquired ataxias;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Motor and cognitive disorders caused by stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral polyneuropathies and myopathies.


Rio de Janeiro

The main diseases/disorders treated at SARAH/Rio de Janeiro by the Neurological Rehabilitation Team are:


  • Parkinson’s Disease;
  • Hereditary and acquired ataxias;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Motor and cognitive disorders caused by stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral polyneuropathies and myopathies.



The main diseases/disorders treated at SARAH/Salvador by the Neurological Rehabilitation Team are:


  • Parkinson’s Disease;
  • Hereditary and acquired ataxias;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Motor and cognitive disorders caused by stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral polyneuropathies and myopathies.


São Luís

The main diseases/disorders treated at SARAH/Sao Luis by the Neurological Rehabilitation Team are:


  • Parkinson’s Disease;
  • Hereditary and acquired ataxias;
  • Motor and cognitive disorders caused by stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral polyneuropathies and myopathies.



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