
Brasília has two SARAH Network centers that attend to adults and children at various stages of treatment.

SARAH/Brasília, which is a full-service hospital, and the International Center for Neuroscience and Rehabilitation at SARAH Lago Norte, which attends purely on an outpatient basis and treats individuals who are at a more advanced stage of their rehabilitation process.


SARAH/Brasília is located in the city’s south side, or Asa Sul.   Inaugurated in 1980, this center generated and consolidated principles, concepts and techniques that transformed it into an international reference that helped forge the establishment of the SARAH Network.

Serving as a hospital, as well as the headquarters for management and administration, quality control, research and professional training, this center has the infrastructure for both treating individuals and research development.

Both adults and children are admitted, with needs ranging from neurorehabilitation to orthopedic problems, but the center mainly treats individuals with spinal cord injury, brain injury, disorders associated with progressive cognitive loss or aging, and other neurological and orthopedic disorders.

SARAH/Brasília offers the SARAH Network Traffic Accident Prevention Program, an educational lecture and interactive series for middle and high schools students.




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(61) 3319 1111

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